Weekly Aggregates

Weekly Aggregates Data




  • organizationName: the slugified name of the organization

  • YYYYMMDD, the week this file contains data from. Week is in ISO format, meaning that Monday is considered the first day of the week.

  • extension, depending on the format and compression, see below:

Available formats

File contents

This file contains data that Worklytics has preprocessed and aggregated at the week level. Depending on the metric in question, data is either inferred from connected customer data sources or calculated by Worklytics.

Sample row

NDJSON example (note examples are pretty printed for documentation purposes otherwise will be presented in one row each)

  "employeeId": "A000001",
  "week": "2023-10-16",
  "key": "tenure:months",
  "value": 24

Weekly aggregates export schema

Methodology notes

Metric Availability

Note that not all metrics in the table below will necessarily appear in your company’s export, as some require specific data connectors (e.g., if your company has not connected GitHub, you will not see any of the github: metrics). The list of metrics may change as aggregates are added over time.

Last updated