Worklytics Datasets
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Worklytics provides datasets describing work at various levels of aggregation. From less to more granular, the key Worklytics datasets you will be using are as follows:
In our Getting Started content, we use the following table names to refer to specific datasets, though the exact naming convention of tables may look different in your company's environment:
Weekly aggregated metrics pre-calculated at the group level. Typically used only in dashboards
idType, groupType, groupName, week, key
Weekly metrics at the anonymized employee-level
employeeId, week, key
No documentation exists, as this dataset will vary by customer
Weekly data at the anonymized employee-level with assigned groups and active employee status
employeeId, week
Weekly collaboration data based on the employee that initiated collaboration work and the person with whom they collaborated
employeeIdSource, employeeIdTarget, week
Similar to {Collaboration_Graph}, but with an additional column for the type of collaboration (e.g., slack, meetings, etc.)
employeeIdSource, employeeIdTarget, week, sourceType
A granular log of all employee events related to work across an organization (e.g., "Meeting Attendance"). This dataset can be used to generate new types of aggregate metrics describing work activity. For example, "How many external emails were sent by the sales team last month?" * Enterprise only
Use-case dependent
A granular log of all items related to work across an organization (e.g., "Meeting" or "Email"). This dataset can be used to generate new types of aggregate metrics describing work events. For example, "How many recurring meetings with more than 5 attendees do we have across the organization?" * Enterprise only
Use-case dependent
Note: Employee Events & Work Items datasets are only available in Datastream Enterprise tiers. Please contact for more information