
Collaboration Graph Data




  • default prefix: collaboration-graph/

  • organizationName: the slugified name of the organization

  • YYYYMMDD, week this file contains data from. Week is in ISO format, being Monday first day of the week.

  • due to size file might be split into N consecutive chunks using the suffix 0000000000N.

  • extension, depending on the format and compression, see below:

Available formats

File contents

Provides a flattened version of the collaboration graph for the company on a given week. Each row has a source employee id, meaning is the person that initiated the collaboration work and a target employee id, the person with whom collaborated. Also the total amount of time of that collaboration during the week, in seconds and in minutes.

Sample row

NDJSON example (note examples are pretty printed for documentation purposes otherwise will be presented in one row each)

  "week": "2019-07-01",
  "employeeIdSource": "A0000001",
  "employeeIdTarget": "A0000002",
  "weeklyCollaborationTimeSeconds": "1800",
  "weeklyCollaborationTimeMinutes": "30.0"

Collaboration graph schema

Collaboration Graph Data Split by Tool




  • default prefix: collaboration-graph-split/

  • organizationName: the slugified name of the organization

  • YYYYMMDD, week this file contains data from. Week is in ISO format, being Monday first day of the week.

  • due to size file might be split into N consecutive chunks using the suffix 0000000000N.

  • extension, depending on the format and compression, see below:

Available formats

File contents

Provides a flattened version of the collaboration graph for between individuals in the company on a given week. Each row has a source employee id, meaning is the person that initiated the collaboration work and a target employee id, the person with whom collaborated, the tool they used to collaborate and the total amount of time of that collaboration during the week, in seconds and in minutes (rounded) For a pair of employee source and employee target there will be as many rows as different tools they used to collaborate on a given week.

Collaboration graph schema

Sample rows

NDJSON example (note examples are pretty printed for documentation purposes otherwise will be presented in one row each) of two rows for the same pair of collaborators, but different tools

  "week": "2019-07-01",
  "employeeIdSource": "A0000001",
  "employeeIdTarget": "A0000002",
  "sourceType": "zoom",
  "weeklyCollaborationTimeSeconds": "1800",
  "weeklyCollaborationTimeMinutes": "30.0"
    "week": "2019-07-01",
    "employeeIdSource": "A0000001",
    "employeeIdTarget": "A0000002",
    "sourceType": "gcal",
    "weeklyCollaborationTimeSeconds": "30269",
    "weeklyCollaborationTimeMinutes": "504.0"

Last updated