
The Dropbox Business connector through Psoxy requires a Dropbox Application created in Dropbox Console. The application does not require to be public, and it needs to have the following scopes to support all the operations for the connector:

  • files.metadata.read : for file listing and revision

  • members.read : member listing

  • events.read : event listing

  • groups.read : group listing

  1. Go to https://www.dropbox.com/apps and Build an App

  2. Then go https://www.dropbox.com/developers to enter in App Console to configure your app

  3. Now you are in the app, go to Permissions and mark all the scopes described before. NOTE: Probably the UI will mark you more required permissions automatically (like account_info_read.) Just mark the ones described here and the UI will ask you to include any other required.

  4. On settings, you could access to App key and App secret. You can create an access token here, but with limited expiration. We need to create a long-lived token, so edit the following URL with your App key and paste it into the browser:


    That will return an Authorization Code that you have to paste. NOTE This Authorization Code if for a one single use; if expired or used you will need to get it again pasting the URL in the browser.

  5. Now, replace the values in following URL and run it from command line in your terminal. Replace Authorization Code , App key and App secret in the placeholders:

    curl https://api.dropbox.com/oauth2/token -d code=<AUTHORIZATION_CODE> -d grant_type=authorization_code -u <APP_KEY>:<APP_SECRET>

  6. After running that command, if successful you will see a JSON response like this:

	"access_token": "some short live access token",
	"token_type": "bearer",
	"expires_in": 14399,
	"refresh_token": "some long live token we are going to use",
	"scope": "account_info.read events.read files.metadata.read groups.read members.read team_data.governance.read team_data.governance.write team_data.member",
	"uid": "",
	"team_id": "some team id"
  1. Finally set following variables in AWS System Manager parameters store / GCP Cloud Secrets (if default implementation):

  • PSOXY_dropbox_business_REFRESH_TOKEN secret variable with value of refresh_token received in previous response

  • PSOXY_dropbox_business_CLIENT_ID with App key value.

  • PSOXY_dropbox_business_CLIENT_SECRET with App secret value.

Last updated