1.) deploy to GCP using Terraform (see infra/). Follow steps in any TODO files it generates.
2.) Set your env vars: (these should be in a TODO file generated by terraform in prev step
export PSOXY_GCP_PROJECT={{--GCP project id that hosts your instance--}}export PSOXY_GCP_REGION=us-central1 # change this to whatever the default is for you projectexport PSOXY_HOST=`echo $PSOXY_GCP_REGION"-"$PSOXY_GCP_PROJECT`
3.) grant yourself access (probably not needed if you have primitive role in project, like Owner or Editor)
alternatively, you can add Terraform resource for this to your Terraform config, and apply it again:
resource"google_cloudfunctions_function_iam_member""member"{project="YOUR_GCP_PROJECT_ID_HERE"region="YOUR_GCP_REGION_OF_YOUR_CLOUD_FUNCTION_HERE"# eg, us-central1cloud_function="psoxy-gmail"#TODO: change if you're doing something OTHER than gmailrole="roles/cloudfunctions.invoker"member="user:YOUR_EMAIL_HERE"}
Either way, if this function is for prod use, please remove these grants after you're finished testing.