Bulk File Sanitization


Psoxy can be used to sanitize bulk files (eg, CSV, NDSJON, etc), writing the result to another bucket.

You can automate a data pipeline to push files to an -input bucket, which will trigger a Psoxy instance (GCP Cloud Function or AWS Lambda), which will read the file, sanitize it, and write the result to a corresponding -sanitized bucket.

You should limit the size of files processed by proxy to 200k rows or less, to ensure processing of any single file finishes within the run time limitations of the host platform (AWS, GCP). There is some flexibility here based on the complexity of your rules and file schema, but we've found 200k to be a conservative target.


To improve performance and reduce storage costs, you should compress (gzip) the files you write to the -input bucket. Psoxy will decompress gzip files before processing and then compress the result before writing to the -sanitized bucket. Ensure that you set Content-Encoding: gzip on all files in your -input bucket to enable this behavior. Note that if you are uploading files via the web UI in GCP/AWS, it is not possible to set this metadata in the initial upload - so you cannot use compression in such a scenario.

Sanitization Rules

The 'bulk' mode of Psoxy supports either column-oriented or record-oriented file formats.

Column-Oriented Formats (ColumnarRules)

To cater to column-oriented file formats (Eg .csv, .tsv), Psoxy supports a ColumnarRules format for encoding your sanitization rules. This rules format provides simple/concise configuration for these cases, where more complex processing of repeated values / complex field types is required.

If your use-case is record oriented (eg, NDJSON, etc), with nested or repeated fields, then you will likely need RecordRules as an alternative.


The core function of the Proxy is to pseudonymize PII in your data. To pseudonymize a column, add it to columnsToPseudonymize.

  - employee_id
  - employee_email
  - manager_id

To avoid inadvertent data leakage, if a column specified to be pseudonymized is not present in the input data, the Proxy will fail with an error. This is to avoid simple column name typos resulting in data leakage.

Additional Transformations

To ease integration, the 'bulk' mode also supports a few additional common transformations that may be useful. These provide an alternative to using a separate ETL tool to transform your data, or modifying your existing data export pipelines.


To redact a column, add it to columnsToRedact. By default, all columns present in the input data will be included in the output data, unless explicitly redacted.

  - salary


Alternatively to redacting columns, you can specify columnsToInclude. If specified, only columns explicitly included will be included in the output data.

  - employee_id
  - employee_email
  - manager_id
  - team
  - department

Renaming Columns

To rename a column, add it to columnsToRename, which is a map from original name --> desired name. Renames are applied before pseudonymization.

  termination_date: leave_date

This feature supports simple adaptation of existing data pipelines for use in Worklytics.

See Also

Record-Oriented Formats (RecordRules)

As of Oct 2023, this is a beta feature

RecordRules parses files as records, presuming the specified format. It performs transforms in order on each record to sanitize your data, and serializes the result back to the specified format.


format: NDJSON
  - redact: "$.summary"
  - pseudonymize: "$.email"

Each transform is a map from transform type --> to a JSONPath to which the transform should be applied. The JSONPath is evaluated from the root of each record in the file.

The above example rules applies two transforms. First, it redacts $.summary - the summary field at the root at of the record object. Second, it pseudonymizes $.email - the email field at the root of the record object.

transforms itself is an ordered-list of transforms. The transforms should be applied in order.

CSV format is also supported, but in effect is converted to a simple JSON object before rules are applied; so JSON paths in transforms should all be single-level; eg, $.email to refer to the email column in the CSV.

See Also

Mixing File Formats

As of Oct 2023, this feature is in beta and may change in backwards incompatible ways

You can process multiple file formats through a single proxy instance using MultiTypeBulkDataRules.

These rules are structured with a field fileRules, which is a map from parameterized path template within the "input" bucket to one of the above rule types (RecordRules,ColumnarRules) to be applied to files matching that path template.

    format: "NDJSON"
      - redact: "$.foo"
      - pseudonymize: "$.bar"
      - "email"
    delimiter: ","
    pseudonymFormat: "JSON"

Path templates are evaluated against the incoming file (object) path in order, and the first match is applied to the file. If no templates match the incoming file, it will not be processed.


Worklytics' provided Terraform modules include default rules for expected formats for hris, survey, and badge data connectors.

If your input data does not match the expected formats, you can customize the rules in one of the following ways.

NOTE: The configuration approaches described below utilized Terraform variables as provided by our gcp and aws template examples. Other examples may not support these variables; please consult the variables.tf at the root of your configuration. If you are directly using Worklytics' Terraform modules, you can consult the variables.tf in the module directory to see if these variables are exposed.

Custom Rules of Predefined Bulk Connector (preferred)

You can override the rules used by the predefined bulk connectors (eg hris, survey, badge) by filling the custom_bulk_connector_rules variable in your Terraform configuration.

This variable is a map from connector ID --> rules, with the rules encoded in HCL format (rather than YAML as shown above). An illustrative example:

custom_bulk_connector_rules = {
  hris = {
    pseudonymFormat = "URL_SAFE_TOKEN"
    columnsToRename = {
      termination_date = "leave_date"
    columnsToPseudonymize = [
    columnsToRedact = [

This approach ONLY supports ColumnarRules

Custom Bulk Connector

Rather than enabling one of the predefined bulk connectors providing in the worklytics-connector-specs Terraform module, you can specify a custom connector from scratch, including your own rules.

This approach is less convenient than the previous one, as TODO documentation and deep-links for connecting your data to Worklytics will not be generated.

To create a Custom Bulk Connector, use the custom_bulk_connectors variable in your Terraform configuration, for example:

custom_bulk_connectors = {
  my_custom_bulk_connector_id = {
    sourceKindId = "my_custom_bulk_data"
    rules = {
      pseudonymFormat = "URL_SAFE_TOKEN"
      columnsToRename = {
        termination_date = "leave_date"
      columnsToPseudonymize = [
      columnsToRedact = [

The above example is for ColumnarRules.

Direct Configuration of RULES

You can directly modify the RULES environment variable on the Psoxy instance, by directly editing your instance's environment via your hosting provider's console or CLI. In this case, the rules should be encoded in YAML format, such as:

pseudonymFormat: URL_SAFE_TOKEN
  termination_date: leave_date
  - employee_id
  - employee_email
  - manager_id
  - salary

Alternatively, you can remove the environment variable from your instance, and instead configure a RULES value in the "namespace" of your instance, in the AWS Parameter Store or GCP Secret Manager (as appropriate for your hosting provider).

This approach is useful for testing, but note that if you later run terraform apply again, any changes you make to the environment variable may be overwritten by Terraform.


If you encounter issues processing your files, check the logs of the Psoxy instance. The logs will give some indication of what went wrong, and may help you identify the issue.

Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Mapping for employee_id not found

Causes: The column specified in columnsToPseudonymize is not present in the input data or contains empty values. Any column specified in columnsToPseudonymize must be present in the input data.

Solution: Regenerate your input file removing empty values for mandatory columns.

Error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

Causes: The file size is too large for the Psoxy instance to process, likely in AWS Lambda in proxy versions prior to v0.4.54.


  1. Use compression in the file (see Compression); if already compressed, then:

  2. Split the file into smaller files and process them separately

  3. (AWS only) Update the proxy version to v0.4.55 or later

  4. (AWS only) If in v0.4.55 or later, process the files one by one or increase the ephemeral storage allocated to the Lambda function (see https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-lambda-now-supports-up-to-10-gb-ephemeral-storage/)

Last updated