Some organizations require use of API Gateway. This is not the default approach for Psoxy since AWS added support for Lambda Function URLs (March 2022), which are a simpler and more direct way to expose lambdas via HTTPS.
Nonetheless, should you wish to use API Gateway we provide beta support for this. It is needed if you wish to put your Lambda functions on a VPC (See
In particular:
IAM policy that allows api gateway methods to be invoked by the proxy caller role is defined once, using wildcards, and exposes GET/HEAD/POST methods for all resources. While methods are further constrained by routes and the proxy rules themselves, this could be another enforcement point at the infrastructure level - at expense of N policies + attachments in your terraform plan instead of 1.
proxy instances exposed as lambda function urls have 55s timeout, but API Gateway seems to support 30s as max - so this may cause timeouts in certain APIs
the AWS principal (user or role) to provision API gateways. The AWS managed policy AmazonAPIGatewayAdministrator provides this.
Add the following to your terraform.tfvars file:
Then terraform apply should create of API gateway-related resources, including policies/etc; and destroy lambda function urls (if you've previously applied with use_api_gateway=false, which is the default).
API Gateway v1 - not supported, but FWIW
If you wish to use API Gateway V1, you will not be able to use the flag above. Instead, you'll have to do something like the following:
locals { rest_instances = {for id, instance in module.psoxy-aws-google-workspace.instances : id => instance if instance.proxy_kind =="rest" }}resource "aws_apigateway_api" "psoxy-api" { name ="psoxy-api" protocol_type ="HTTP" description ="API to expose psoxy instances"}resource "aws_cloudwatch_log_group" "gateway-log" { name = retention_in_days =7}resource "aws_apigatewayv2_stage" "live" { api_id = name ="live"# q: what name?? auto_deploy =trueaccess_log_settings { destination_arn = aws_cloudwatch_log_group.gateway-log.arn format = "$context.identity.sourceIp $context.identity.caller $context.identity.user [$context.requestTime] \"$context.httpMethod $context.path $context.protocol\" $context.status $context.responseLength $context.requestId $context.extendedRequestId $context.error.messageString $context.integrationErrorMessage"
}}resource "aws_apigateway_integration" "map" { for_each = local.rest_instances api_id = integration_type ="AWS_PROXY" connection_type ="INTERNET" integration_method ="POST" integration_uri = each.value.function_arn request_parameters = {} request_templates = {}}resource "aws_apigateway_route" "get_route" { for_each = local.rest_instances api_id = route_key ="GET /${each.key}/{proxy+}" authorization_type ="AWS_IAM" target ="integrations/${[each.key].id}"}resource "aws_apigateway_route" "head_route" { for_each = local.rest_instances api_id = route_key ="HEAD /${each.key}/{proxy+}" authorization_type ="AWS_IAM" target ="integrations/${[each.key].id}"}# allow API gateway to invoke the lambda functionresource "aws_lambda_permission" "lambda_permission" { for_each = local.rest_instances statement_id ="Allow${each.key}Invoke" action ="lambda:InvokeFunction" function_name = each.value.function_name principal =""# The /*/*/ part allows invocation from any stage, method and resource path# within API Gateway REST API. source_arn ="${aws_apigateway_api.psoxy-api.execution_arn}/*/*/${each.value.function_name}/{proxy+}"}resource "aws_iam_policy" "invoke_api" { name_prefix ="PsoxyInvokeAPI" policy =jsonencode({"Version":"2012-10-17","Statement": [ {"Effect":"Allow","Action":"execute-api:Invoke","Resource":"arn:aws:execute-api:*:${var.aws_account_id}:${}/*/GET/*", }, {"Effect":"Allow","Action":"execute-api:Invoke","Resource":"arn:aws:execute-api:*:${var.aws_account_id}:${}/*/HEAD/*", }, ] })}resource "aws_iam_role_policy_attachment" "invoke_api_policy_to_role" { role ="PsoxyCaller"# Name (not ARN) of the API caller role policy_arn = aws_iam_policy.invoke_api.arn}
Additionally, you'll need to set a different handler class to be invoked instead of the default (co.workltyics.psoxy.Handler, should be co.worklytics.psoxy.APIGatewayV1Handler). This can be done in Terraform or by modifying configuration via AWS Console.