These shell command examples presume Ubuntu; you may need to translate to your *nix variant. If you starting with a fairly rich environment, many of these tools may already be on your machine.
install dependencies
install Java + maven (required to build the proxy binary to be deployed)
sudoaptinstallopenjdk-11-jdksudoaptinstallmaven# check that maven version at least 3.6+ and java 11+mvn-v# if not, get latest direct from Apache Maven#
install Terraform
Follow Terraform's install guide (recommended) or, if you need to manage multiple Terraform versions, use tfenv:
if you want to test an AWS deployment, install AWS Curl (which requires python 3.6+ and pip)
# check python version; please ensure it's at least 3.6+python--version# if not 3.6+, get latest direct for your environment from
install pip (likely included with fresh python install), then use that to install awscurl
if deploying to GCP or using Google Workspace data sources, install Google Cloud CLI and authenticate.
curl-O if prompted for location of your .bashrc by the gcloud install script, on EC2 it's '/home/ubuntu/.bashrc'rmgoogle-cloud-cli-384.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
# source your .bashrc OR restart your terminal so gcloud is found on your $PATHsource~/.bashrc# authenticate with Google Cloud CLIgcloudauthapplication-defaultlogin--no-launch-browser
if using Microsoft 365 data sources, install Azure CLI and authenticate.